Metatron on Reptilians and Orgone

Metatron on Reptilians
“The reptilian species is largely unaltered from the neocortex down to the spinal cord from the common rattlesnake. They have a highly developed frontal lobe and the pineal gland is adapted to sense heat rather than light as it is in humans. Their armor is composed of keratin much like a toenail on a human counterpart only stronger thus leaving them immune to sword or knife attack. Bullets must be covered with lubricant to properly pierce their shells. Medieval dragons are what we refer to a draconian reptilians, they breathe fire in the sense that they can control minds and use electromagnetic warfare, hence the metallic suits and armories of the medieval time warriors. This history has been largely corrupted by the reptilian elite on Earth right now. They try their damndest to stay in power and hide the truth from prying eyes. Your internet connection is being monitored by them as we speak. Do not fret, they only are interested in you surfing habits, not what you publish. Human hybrids are required to wear explosives at all times, rendering them extremely dangerous. These are dead man switches. If their body is found they are incinerated on the spot by the blast rendering their remains undiscoverable. This is to prevent the study of their physiology and the discovery of their presence. The reptilians are not deceased after long periods of time underwater or in fire or explosions. Many walk away unharmed.
Technology of the electromagnetic type is vital to their understanding and defeating their presence. 400 Hz wide spectrum technology is required to annihilate their blood cells. This induces leukemia and ultimately death. There is no shielding this from their bodies or skin if it is done in the scalar electromagnetic domain, meaning longitudinal waves, like lightning or pure EMF, EMP, or force fields of electricity. Magnetic waves if you will. The generators are easy to build, simply construct a hollow tube of steel covered with copper and an outer shell of steel. This automatically resonates at 400 Hz without any more engineering. The copper and the iron interact in such a way as to generate the 400 Hz signal. Construct your weapons out of this construction and you will be immortalized as heroes. The layers do not have to contact one another, nor do they need to have an insulating material between them, they simply need to be situated in that arrangement. An epoxy setting holding them together is ideal. Yes, you are correct. It runs on orgone energy, Michael. Orgone energy resonates at 400 Hz given that arrangement. It resonates into the air for a distance of about 100 ft. Not through walls but down alleys and around corners. It is telluric in nature and can find openings and channel through them. Only a solid obstruction will stop them. These are particles, not waves. Gaseous and fine in nature, down below the micron. They are composed of elemental hydrogen particles. No electrons. Pure positive energy vibrating in unison. You could construct bullets out of this layering material and destroy the reptilians that way, however to create resonators and place them all over your cities would be ideal. This would render your land un-livible to the reptilians hybrids and reptilians species ultimately making them have to leave you alone. They would die off if they tried to invade. Your military would love to have this information. Make sure they get this as soon as possible. You could construct armor out of this as it also defeats mass mind control technologies. This is ideal in every way.

Orgone is the way of the future as far as technology is concerned, what is even greater is how it can be used electrically. It is self-resonating, meaning that it resonates any electronics attached to it via wire, including wet cell batteries, dry cell batteries, diodes, capacitors, coils, lamps, etc. Each has a unique property. Resistors cause voltage to be broadcast outward into space, when coupled with aluminum, this causes radiation to be formed. This is useful for creating beta radiation effects to create energy such as electron flow in space, down wires, or in electronic circuits. Using aluminum wires one could animate such as system with a few resistors of great magnitude. Diodes cause heat to be generated in space and at connection points or contacts as you call them. This is great for heating effects such as space heaters or lamps, devices which use the power of the sun. Solar panels, yes. You can capture the heat on solar panels and use it to move motors and other electronics. I also want to talk about what you can do with magnets. Magnets are great for moving rotors. With orgone applications, magnets can be moved via wires simply connected to such cells with no other discreet devices. Motive force is to be had easily. You see, orgone is the missing force between electricity and magnetism, thus it is the in-between factor that is used in standard motors. Do you follow me? I can see that you agree with me. We have an in-law in the universe, that is between electricity and magnetism, that is orgone. You see magnetism is formed out of orgone flow from the poles of North to South on a magnet. This is all orgone that creates magnetism. Now you know that. Have a good day. Thank you for chatting with me.”


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