Nikola Tesla Interview 6

Tesla Interview 6
Aether Cell

“It isn’t a cell, it is a valve and a radiant energy generator. It works in multi-dimensions. It is like a carburetor that runs a car, it isn’t the engine, it is the generator that powers the circuit behind the scenes. Batteries do most of the work, the Aether cell as you call it, powers the batteries, keeps them running. It doesn’t recharge them, but it keeps them in prime condition. A refresher, if you will. It keeps them from degrading so they can run forever. Much like your orgonite, only this runs your batteries. Well, there isn’t much more to tell about them, ask me questions. [Can electromotive force be had by the Aether cell?] Yes and in unlimited quantities. [How?] You mustn’t ask that question. I will tell you in secret and then you can share it with the public. Alright, fine I will spill the beans, but only for you Michael, you may write it. You see the EMF as you call it is a fine particulate matter that extends beyond the radiance of the wires. In the case of the Aether cell it pushes its way out of the iron core into the copper shell and multiplies tenfold. Then electronic species emit themselves into space enveloping the room. That is how the energy comes about from these things. It is only a matter of using batteries to capture the currents in a wire and transmitting them to the source of your electronic devices. No wires are even necessary to be connected to the unit as I’m sure you are now well aware of. It is only a matter of time before you become successful at that sort of thing Michael. You see, you already know what it is before you write it. Don’t you see? I will share one more secret that you aren’t aware of about the Aether cell, you must connect a capacitor to it in line with your output. The reason why is not immediately apparent, but you see, the reason I have you do this is because we cannot have you expressing the currents of DC between the plates of the unit. It must remain isolated. AC or impulses will pass uninhibited, but DC will be inert. That way we will store charge and it will be usable in battery storage. No diodes either. Those simply waste energy. I don’t care what God told you. A diode will not get you free energy. It will simply radiate energy away. We want to keep energy within our circuits, not out in space. Out in space affects the weather, and we aren’t weathermen. We are engineers. I don’t care how deep your pockets are, you can find people who need energy more than you can find people who need rain. Energy pumps water, rain drowns villages. That is where we stand on disagreement, like it or not. No offence to the man in the sky. That will be all, thanks Michael. Good day.”


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