Nikola Tesla Interview 2

Tesla Interview 2

“I can see you’re dressed in red, my favorite color. The first thing I want to say is that I’m very sorry about your daughter. I see she has a disease that affects her mental function. Heretofore I want to congratulate you on your accomplishment of becoming the first to channel me. Not many people have tried this. You are sorry, I see, but we can work together to accomplish great deeds for humanity. Ok, first I want you to document that I have developed a system to harness the power of the aether. It consists of a tube of iron within a tube of copper or diamond, I’m just joking, no diamonds, just copper. This copper tube conducts electricity and the iron tube condenses the magnetic field of the earth into a usable current. It is quite brilliant if I do say so myself. What do you say we build one? I can see you are already studying it now. Now this tube needs to be connected to a condenser of some type, be it a saltwater capacitor or a, get ready for it, polycarbonate capacitor! How novel! This type of capacitor serves two purposes, first it condenses the aether rays into a usable electronic particle, secondly, and I’m not finished yet, it produces electric current in great amounts. How great is that, Michael? We have an engineer. I’m gracious. Secondly we can get usable current out of our iron rod to power electronic devices such as power tools or space shuttles. It works everywhere, not just on the planet. In space, also. How novel! I can see you finished you drink, how does it taste? [Delicious] Fine, let’s continue. Our space shuttle will need an extra power source to accomplish our task, for this we use a simple cell of aluminum and polycarbonate film. That is all. Now continue your drink. I will talk later. Goodbye Michael.” 


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