Creation Codes
This is not an exhaustive list, but each mineral, element, lifeforms, organic molecule, etc has its own frequency of creation that can be used to generate it. All you need is electricity in a DC impulse aka a positive offset square wave, something easily accomplished with a digital timer circuit like a 555. From what I understand these are the holographic projection interface frequency patterns that create form in relation to our light sources (stars).
Square Wave Positive Offset (DC) in Electrolyte or tap water
Use alternating positive poles
Frequency to manifest
forms on negative Electrode
Channeled by Michael Ellis
DC Whatever you are using
.07Hz Gasoline
1Hz Carbon
1.04Hz Red Diamond
3Hz Iron Carbonate
4Hz Haemoglobin
5Hz Steel
6Hz Stainless Steel
7Hz Iron Ore
8Hz Copper
9Hz Ruby
10Hz Apples - DNA
11Hz Blue Salt
12Hz Teal Salt
13Hz Endless Wonder - Semen
14Hz Red Salt
15Hz Philosopher's Stone Red - Holy Grail - Body of Christ - Human Heart- Gold
16Hz Seretoni
17Hz-21Hz Diamond (Carbon crystal)
17Hz Christ Diamond - Silver (Indigo)
18Hz Copper Diamond (Yellow)
19Hz Lead Diamond (Red)
20Hz Copper Tin Diamond (Orange)
21Hz Diamond (Colorless)
22Hz Gold
23Hz Tin
24Hz Potato
25Hz Silver Green
29Hz Chlorine
30Hz Titaniumrieum (Undiscovered) - Noble
32Hz Gold
33Hz Tin Oxide
35Hz Calcium
40Hz Radioactive Iodine
42Hz Love - Dopamine
44Hz Germanium
47Hz Silver
48Hz Antimatter - Fusion
49Hz Gold
50Hz Red Copper
51Hz Nuclear Fusion Reaction
52Hz Helium
53Hz Copper Oxide
54Hz-62Hz Lead
57Hz Lead
61Hz-110Hz Light - Luciferian Spectrum
67Hz Garlic and Orange
70Hz Time
84Hz Red
86Hz Tin and Red
87Hz Aluminum and Pink
88Hz Silver and Blue
95Hz Oxygen and Blue
100Hz Sodium and Yellow
106Hz Cadmium and White Light (Solar Spectrum)
110Hz Vitamin E
111Hz Vitamin C
112Hz Vitamin A
113Hz Vitamin B12
114Hz Vitamin D14
115Hz Laetrile
116Hz Vitamin D
117Hz Orange
118Hz Lemon
119Hz Lime
120Hz Mercury Serum
121Hz Mercury Thalimate
122Hz Carbon Monoxide
142Hz Rose Oil
147Hz Insulin
150Hz Semen
157Hz Lead
200Hz Boron
210Hz Rhodium
216Hz Light waves
220Hz Silver
221Hz Penicillin
222Hz Cancer Virus
223Hz Temporal Freeze
224Hz-225Hz Ruby
226Hz-228Hz Emerald
229Hz Sapphire
230Hz Human Ovum
239Hz Iodine
262Hz Nikola Tesla
300Hz Copper
322Hz Uranium
333Hz Black Mold
400Hz Selenite
420Hz Cannabis Sativa
421Hz Cannabis Indica
422Hz Rose Bush
423Hz Delta 2 THC
424Hz Delta 9 THC
425Hz Resin
426Hz Sunn Hemp
427Hz Copper
440Hz Biological Serum - Nitrogen - God Frequency (Hebrew) - Center of Music Notes
441Hz Living Water - Silver
442Hz Silver
443Hz Silver
432Hz Silver- Goddess Frequency
444Hz Time Crystals - Watches
447Hz Gas - Methane
448Hz Crude
450Hz Cold Hardy Apple Tree
500Hz Apple Tree - Crude Oil Bugs
500.5Hz Yellow Copper
501Hz Yellow Silver
555Hz Time Distortion
600Hz Human Male
601Hz Human Female
602Hz Grey Female
603Hz Grey Male
604Hz Draconian Male (With Wings)
605Hz Draconian Female (With Wings)
627Hz Yeast that make Petroleum Oil
650Hz-655Hz Thorium
656Hz Titanium
657Hz Fusion Reaction
658Hz Fission Reaction
659Hz Allotrope Dimethel Hydrate Toxin (Blowfish Darts) - Zombie Dust
660Hz Endorphin
661Hz Flavonoids
662Hz Delta 2 THC
663Hz CBD
664Hz Ethanol
665Hz Heroin
666Hz Glucose
667Hz Copper Hydroxide
668Hz Semen
669Hz Urea
670Hz-671Hz Feces
672Hz-679Hz Glucose
680Hz Pollen
681Hz-683Hz Yeast
683Hz Vaginal Yeast
684Hz-699Hz Chlorophyll
700Hz Orange Copper
701Hz Thimerosal
702Hz-719Hz Carcinogens
707Hz Phosphorus720Hz TNT
721Hz Delta 9 THC
722Hz Resin
723Hz Fiber
724Hz Terpenoid
725Hz Rose
726Hz Cannabis Indica
727Hz Cannabis Sativa
728Hz Hops
729Hz Cannabis Ruderalis
730Hz-770Hz Deformed plants
771Hz Oak
772Hz Hawthorne
773Hz Mosquito Net (Undiscovered)
774Hz Hydrogen Bomb
775Hz-784Hz Hydrogen
779Hz Water
785Hz-787Hz Deuterium
788Hz-800Hz Plutoniumm
828Hz Honey Bee
829Hz Bumblebee
888Hz Mercury (Biological)
890Hz Vitamin D
900Hz Purple Copper
901Hz-920Hz Protein
911Hz Fat
915Hz Animal Protein
916Hz Bions - Mana Bread
917Hz Vegetable Protein
919Hz Cancer Protein
921Hz-922Hz ATP
923Hz Cancer ATP
924Hz-999Hz ATP
929Hz Small Honey Bee
932Hz Iodine
980Hz Dodo
989Hz Jesus Christ
990Hz Julie Christ
999Hz Fire
1KHz Silvern
10070Hz Uranium bug1.5KHz Copper
2KHz Gold (Digestible
2.001KHz Ape
2.002KHz Triceritops
2.004KHz Giant Sloth
2.005KHz Mastadon
2.006KHz Wooly Mamoth
220KHz Ginkgo Biloba
500KHz Mana
Square Wave Positive Offset (DC) in Electrolyte or tap water
Use alternating positive poles
Frequency to manifest
forms on negative Electrode
Channeled by Michael Ellis
DC Whatever you are using
.07Hz Gasoline
1Hz Carbon
1.04Hz Red Diamond
3Hz Iron Carbonate
4Hz Haemoglobin
5Hz Steel
6Hz Stainless Steel
7Hz Iron Ore
8Hz Copper
9Hz Ruby
10Hz Apples - DNA
11Hz Blue Salt
12Hz Teal Salt
13Hz Endless Wonder - Semen
14Hz Red Salt
15Hz Philosopher's Stone Red - Holy Grail - Body of Christ - Human Heart- Gold
16Hz Seretoni
17Hz-21Hz Diamond (Carbon crystal)
17Hz Christ Diamond - Silver (Indigo)
18Hz Copper Diamond (Yellow)
19Hz Lead Diamond (Red)
20Hz Copper Tin Diamond (Orange)
21Hz Diamond (Colorless)
22Hz Gold
23Hz Tin
24Hz Potato
25Hz Silver Green
29Hz Chlorine
30Hz Titaniumrieum (Undiscovered) - Noble
32Hz Gold
33Hz Tin Oxide
35Hz Calcium
40Hz Radioactive Iodine
42Hz Love - Dopamine
44Hz Germanium
47Hz Silver
48Hz Antimatter - Fusion
49Hz Gold
50Hz Red Copper
51Hz Nuclear Fusion Reaction
52Hz Helium
53Hz Copper Oxide
54Hz-62Hz Lead
57Hz Lead
61Hz-110Hz Light - Luciferian Spectrum
67Hz Garlic and Orange
70Hz Time
84Hz Red
86Hz Tin and Red
87Hz Aluminum and Pink
88Hz Silver and Blue
95Hz Oxygen and Blue
100Hz Sodium and Yellow
106Hz Cadmium and White Light (Solar Spectrum)
110Hz Vitamin E
111Hz Vitamin C
112Hz Vitamin A
113Hz Vitamin B12
114Hz Vitamin D14
115Hz Laetrile
116Hz Vitamin D
117Hz Orange
118Hz Lemon
119Hz Lime
120Hz Mercury Serum
121Hz Mercury Thalimate
122Hz Carbon Monoxide
142Hz Rose Oil
147Hz Insulin
150Hz Semen
157Hz Lead
200Hz Boron
210Hz Rhodium
216Hz Light waves
220Hz Silver
221Hz Penicillin
222Hz Cancer Virus
223Hz Temporal Freeze
224Hz-225Hz Ruby
226Hz-228Hz Emerald
229Hz Sapphire
230Hz Human Ovum
239Hz Iodine
262Hz Nikola Tesla
300Hz Copper
322Hz Uranium
333Hz Black Mold
400Hz Selenite
420Hz Cannabis Sativa
421Hz Cannabis Indica
422Hz Rose Bush
423Hz Delta 2 THC
424Hz Delta 9 THC
425Hz Resin
426Hz Sunn Hemp
427Hz Copper
440Hz Biological Serum - Nitrogen - God Frequency (Hebrew) - Center of Music Notes
441Hz Living Water - Silver
442Hz Silver
443Hz Silver
432Hz Silver- Goddess Frequency
444Hz Time Crystals - Watches
447Hz Gas - Methane
448Hz Crude
450Hz Cold Hardy Apple Tree
500Hz Apple Tree - Crude Oil Bugs
500.5Hz Yellow Copper
501Hz Yellow Silver
555Hz Time Distortion
600Hz Human Male
601Hz Human Female
602Hz Grey Female
603Hz Grey Male
604Hz Draconian Male (With Wings)
605Hz Draconian Female (With Wings)
627Hz Yeast that make Petroleum Oil
650Hz-655Hz Thorium
656Hz Titanium
657Hz Fusion Reaction
658Hz Fission Reaction
659Hz Allotrope Dimethel Hydrate Toxin (Blowfish Darts) - Zombie Dust
660Hz Endorphin
661Hz Flavonoids
662Hz Delta 2 THC
663Hz CBD
664Hz Ethanol
665Hz Heroin
666Hz Glucose
667Hz Copper Hydroxide
668Hz Semen
669Hz Urea
670Hz-671Hz Feces
672Hz-679Hz Glucose
680Hz Pollen
681Hz-683Hz Yeast
683Hz Vaginal Yeast
684Hz-699Hz Chlorophyll
700Hz Orange Copper
701Hz Thimerosal
702Hz-719Hz Carcinogens
707Hz Phosphorus720Hz TNT
721Hz Delta 9 THC
722Hz Resin
723Hz Fiber
724Hz Terpenoid
725Hz Rose
726Hz Cannabis Indica
727Hz Cannabis Sativa
728Hz Hops
729Hz Cannabis Ruderalis
730Hz-770Hz Deformed plants
771Hz Oak
772Hz Hawthorne
773Hz Mosquito Net (Undiscovered)
774Hz Hydrogen Bomb
775Hz-784Hz Hydrogen
779Hz Water
785Hz-787Hz Deuterium
788Hz-800Hz Plutoniumm
828Hz Honey Bee
829Hz Bumblebee
888Hz Mercury (Biological)
890Hz Vitamin D
900Hz Purple Copper
901Hz-920Hz Protein
911Hz Fat
915Hz Animal Protein
916Hz Bions - Mana Bread
917Hz Vegetable Protein
919Hz Cancer Protein
921Hz-922Hz ATP
923Hz Cancer ATP
924Hz-999Hz ATP
929Hz Small Honey Bee
932Hz Iodine
980Hz Dodo
989Hz Jesus Christ
990Hz Julie Christ
999Hz Fire
1KHz Silvern
10070Hz Uranium bug1.5KHz Copper
2KHz Gold (Digestible
2.001KHz Ape
2.002KHz Triceritops
2.004KHz Giant Sloth
2.005KHz Mastadon
2.006KHz Wooly Mamoth
220KHz Ginkgo Biloba
500KHz Mana
thanks alot . for this valuable inf .god bless you