
Creation Codes

This is not an exhaustive list, but each mineral, element, lifeforms, organic molecule, etc has its own frequency of creation that can be used to generate it. All you need is electricity in a DC impulse aka a positive offset square wave, something easily accomplished with a digital timer circuit like a 555. From what I understand these are the holographic projection interface frequency patterns that create form in relation to our light sources (stars). Square Wave Positive Offset (DC) in Electrolyte or tap water Use alternating positive poles Frequency to manifest forms on negative Electrode Channeled by Michael Ellis DC Whatever you are using .07Hz Gasoline 1Hz Carbon 1.04Hz Red Diamond 2Hz DMT 3Hz Iron Carbonate 4Hz Haemoglobin 5Hz Steel 6Hz Stainless Steel 7Hz Iron Ore 8Hz Copper 9Hz Ruby 10Hz Apples - DNA 11Hz Blue Salt 12Hz Teal Salt 13Hz Endless Wonder - Semen 14Hz Red Salt 15Hz Philosopher's Stone Red - Holy Grail - Body of Christ - Human Heart...

Metatron on Reptilians and Orgone

Metatron on Reptilians “The reptilian species is largely unaltered from the neocortex down to the spinal cord from the common rattlesnake. They have a highly developed frontal lobe and the pineal gland is adapted to sense heat rather than light as it is in humans. Their armor is composed of keratin much like a toenail on a human counterpart only stronger thus leaving them immune to sword or knife attack. Bullets must be covered with lubricant to properly pierce their shells. Medieval dragons are what we refer to a draconian reptilians, they breathe fire in the sense that they can control minds and use electromagnetic warfare, hence the metallic suits and armories of the medieval time warriors. This history has been largely corrupted by the reptilian elite on Earth right now. They try their damndest to stay in power and hide the truth from prying eyes. Your internet connection is being monitored by them as we speak. Do not fret, they only are interested in you surfing habits, not wha...

God on Reptilians

God on Defeating the Reptilian Plague “I wouldn’t call it defeating, rather controlling them. Most reptilians are peaceful, but a few are warriors and they cause problems. Your planet is plagued by satanic pedophiles that ruin lives and prey on the weak and yes they do kill people too. Eventually your planet will combat reptilians in interplanetary warfare and it is vital that you know how to kill them. Magnets are a good start, but it is more complex than that. Most reptilians are hybrids and thus they are immune to magnetic fields. Heart chakras are the pure weakness of all reptilians. They lack compassion and thus fall prey to strong hearted individuals. I know you have seen this because you study Don Croft and his adventures. Breathe through your heart chakra and all reptilians will fall prey to you. It is possible to broadcast the frequencies of heart chakras en mass and I will teach you how to do this. 400 Hz is the spectrum of the heart. The human heart is a magnetic genera...

Circuit from a Dream

I had a dream about a circuit in which it made ghosts visible to the naked eye. This is that circuit. It seems to be some sort of scalar interference transmitter.

God on Autism Causes and Treatments

God on Autism Cause “Autism is caused by mercury found in fish contamination. It is ever present in the oceans from waste dumping and bioaccumulation from sea vents. This is a very unfortunate truth. When mothers consume fish while pregnant they double their risk of having autistic children. When they breastfeed while consuming fish the mercury bypasses the liver and goes unaffected directly into the child’s brain where it causes permanent neurological damage. It saddens me that many mothers contaminate their children unawares and blame vaccines for their troubles all the while eating fish on Fridays and breastfeeding their children. When the children suffer a stroke, it is usually due to clotting in the brain from the heavy metals found in fish. Vaccines do not cause this. This is merely the tipping point. The vaccines trigger the stroke, the metals were already present in their system. It is a combination of the two working together. You see, that’s how it happens. Treatment ...

On Tesla's Car

On Tesla’s Car “My vehicle reaches 90mph, it’s a sports car sedan and seats two in the front and two in the back. It works on free energy. My diodes pick up the vibrations of the aetheric medium from the cells of the battery by means yet unknown to modern physicists, but well known to me, I might add, through the noise of two plates of aluminum and steel held together by tar, touching one another at a central point, bridge if you will, composed of aluminum oxide, another diode, and silicone plain simply. This mixture is a paste, yes you are correct, and will serve as a diode allowing only one direction off current flow. The diodes are bright yellow, much like your Fiero, and glow with a unnatural aura of blue-green hue. Each plate is submerged in acid much like a normal battery, only this battery is composed of the aforementioned aluminum and steel plates. The acid is formic, meaning hydrochloride in solution with boron and carbon atoms combined to form hydrocarbons. And yes, it do...

Aether Cell Circuit Channeled

This was actually channeled from a number of spirits, including an alternate personality named Jana, Nikola Tesla, Jennifer, and Tom. And this circuit comes from Nick's higher self.