Metatron on Reptilians and Orgone
Metatron on Reptilians “The reptilian species is largely unaltered from the neocortex down to the spinal cord from the common rattlesnake. They have a highly developed frontal lobe and the pineal gland is adapted to sense heat rather than light as it is in humans. Their armor is composed of keratin much like a toenail on a human counterpart only stronger thus leaving them immune to sword or knife attack. Bullets must be covered with lubricant to properly pierce their shells. Medieval dragons are what we refer to a draconian reptilians, they breathe fire in the sense that they can control minds and use electromagnetic warfare, hence the metallic suits and armories of the medieval time warriors. This history has been largely corrupted by the reptilian elite on Earth right now. They try their damndest to stay in power and hide the truth from prying eyes. Your internet connection is being monitored by them as we speak. Do not fret, they only are interested in you surfing habits, not wha...