
Showing posts from July, 2017

Metatron on Reptilians and Orgone

Metatron on Reptilians “The reptilian species is largely unaltered from the neocortex down to the spinal cord from the common rattlesnake. They have a highly developed frontal lobe and the pineal gland is adapted to sense heat rather than light as it is in humans. Their armor is composed of keratin much like a toenail on a human counterpart only stronger thus leaving them immune to sword or knife attack. Bullets must be covered with lubricant to properly pierce their shells. Medieval dragons are what we refer to a draconian reptilians, they breathe fire in the sense that they can control minds and use electromagnetic warfare, hence the metallic suits and armories of the medieval time warriors. This history has been largely corrupted by the reptilian elite on Earth right now. They try their damndest to stay in power and hide the truth from prying eyes. Your internet connection is being monitored by them as we speak. Do not fret, they only are interested in you surfing habits, not wha...

God on Reptilians

God on Defeating the Reptilian Plague “I wouldn’t call it defeating, rather controlling them. Most reptilians are peaceful, but a few are warriors and they cause problems. Your planet is plagued by satanic pedophiles that ruin lives and prey on the weak and yes they do kill people too. Eventually your planet will combat reptilians in interplanetary warfare and it is vital that you know how to kill them. Magnets are a good start, but it is more complex than that. Most reptilians are hybrids and thus they are immune to magnetic fields. Heart chakras are the pure weakness of all reptilians. They lack compassion and thus fall prey to strong hearted individuals. I know you have seen this because you study Don Croft and his adventures. Breathe through your heart chakra and all reptilians will fall prey to you. It is possible to broadcast the frequencies of heart chakras en mass and I will teach you how to do this. 400 Hz is the spectrum of the heart. The human heart is a magnetic genera...

Circuit from a Dream

I had a dream about a circuit in which it made ghosts visible to the naked eye. This is that circuit. It seems to be some sort of scalar interference transmitter.

God on Autism Causes and Treatments

God on Autism Cause “Autism is caused by mercury found in fish contamination. It is ever present in the oceans from waste dumping and bioaccumulation from sea vents. This is a very unfortunate truth. When mothers consume fish while pregnant they double their risk of having autistic children. When they breastfeed while consuming fish the mercury bypasses the liver and goes unaffected directly into the child’s brain where it causes permanent neurological damage. It saddens me that many mothers contaminate their children unawares and blame vaccines for their troubles all the while eating fish on Fridays and breastfeeding their children. When the children suffer a stroke, it is usually due to clotting in the brain from the heavy metals found in fish. Vaccines do not cause this. This is merely the tipping point. The vaccines trigger the stroke, the metals were already present in their system. It is a combination of the two working together. You see, that’s how it happens. Treatment ...

On Tesla's Car

On Tesla’s Car “My vehicle reaches 90mph, it’s a sports car sedan and seats two in the front and two in the back. It works on free energy. My diodes pick up the vibrations of the aetheric medium from the cells of the battery by means yet unknown to modern physicists, but well known to me, I might add, through the noise of two plates of aluminum and steel held together by tar, touching one another at a central point, bridge if you will, composed of aluminum oxide, another diode, and silicone plain simply. This mixture is a paste, yes you are correct, and will serve as a diode allowing only one direction off current flow. The diodes are bright yellow, much like your Fiero, and glow with a unnatural aura of blue-green hue. Each plate is submerged in acid much like a normal battery, only this battery is composed of the aforementioned aluminum and steel plates. The acid is formic, meaning hydrochloride in solution with boron and carbon atoms combined to form hydrocarbons. And yes, it do...

Aether Cell Circuit Channeled

This was actually channeled from a number of spirits, including an alternate personality named Jana, Nikola Tesla, Jennifer, and Tom. And this circuit comes from Nick's higher self.

God and Metatron on Potency and Fertility

God on Male fertility “Once in a blue moon a good beer or two will enhance a male’s penile strength. However alcohol by itself decreases potency. So limit it to one or two beers a week or month even when pursuing pregnancy. A cocktail here or there won’t hurt but beer is best. Pills are a no-no. Pharmaceuticals decrease the life fluid in your spinal column. I’ve witnessed this on several occasions and you’re one of them. This leads to decreased sperm count and inhibited sex drive. Oregano will perk things up as will dill and other spices like orange leaf and thyme. Say no to horny goat weed, it is satanic. I can say with great dignity that oranges and lemons enhance spinal fluid and thus semen quantity greatly. It comes with all sugars but oranges are key. Also limes, limes do not enhance sperm flow, but will add juices to the spinal column, and that means more semen. And to get an erection in men with prostate disease, I recommend two ounces of marijuana a day. It helps with...

Nikola Tesla Interview 6

Tesla Interview 6 Aether Cell “It isn’t a cell, it is a valve and a radiant energy generator. It works in multi-dimensions. It is like a carburetor that runs a car, it isn’t the engine, it is the generator that powers the circuit behind the scenes. Batteries do most of the work, the Aether cell as you call it, powers the batteries, keeps them running. It doesn’t recharge them, but it keeps them in prime condition. A refresher, if you will. It keeps them from degrading so they can run forever. Much like your orgonite, only this runs your batteries. Well, there isn’t much more to tell about them, ask me questions. [Can electromotive force be had by the Aether cell?] Yes and in unlimited quantities. [How?] You mustn’t ask that question. I will tell you in secret and then you can share it with the public. Alright, fine I will spill the beans, but only for you Michael, you may write it. You see the EMF as you call it is a fine particulate matter that extends beyond the radiance of the...

Nikola Tesla Interview 5

Tesla Interview 5 “Well this hasn’t been said before. I have two inventions that I have not shared with the public thus far. The first is an oscillator that causes earthquakes. I employed it on a New York infrastructure one morning. I left for lunch and came back and the building was shaking. The windows were broken and the door had become unhinged. I smashed it like you have said, before the police came and immediately disposed of it. It was quite phenomenal. It consists of a small vibrating contact and two oscillators in parallel. One vibrates the mechanism and the other acts against the movement of the machine. This way it acts like a relative motion device. Self-referencing motor. Incredibly destructive. Moving on, the second invention I wish to share is my hand warmer. I engineered this when I was sailing with a crew in the northern seas for a watch company. They had charged me with designing motor equipment and glass vessels for their sailing instruments. It was quite a...

Nikola Tesla's Aether Cell

From what I understand the plate of the capacitor that is disconnected is the output. This is a single wire circuit, it can be left un-grounded or it can be grounded back unto the copper pipe. This is an incredible find. Share it with the world! - Michael Ellis

Nikola Tesla Interview 4

Tesla Interview 4 “Alright. I have invented lightning. Not the type that electrocutes people, but the type that performs work in the mightiest sense. Staccato impulses of electricity down a wire. I call it new radiant energy. It can be captured from the atmosphere via an antenna and a battery with a condenser, much like you have Mr. Ellis, only my invention uses a wire of extreme short length. I use one 4 inches long. These antennae allow for free movement of the electrons into and out of the aether only a mere 4 inches in diameter as well. It is a tube. Quite square. I would build a coil around it if it weren’t for the need for a continuous smooth surface. I’ll allow for questions on it. [How do you translate the energy off of the circuit into usable energy?] Quite alright, I use a capacitor. I take the energy from the capacitance on my circuit. Next question. [Is the energy alternating current of direct current?] Neither. It is staccato. Impulses of short duration in an alterna...


Oshun “First I would like to say to my followers that I appreciate their support. I know religion can be a confusing topic. A lot of things in the world are crazy right now. The illuminati are destroying the world with obnoxious wars in the middle east and cults of mind control and pedophilia. It’s disgusting. It needs to stop. But we need to come together and support one another in our fight for justice and love and humanity. That is all I need to say Thank you. I do have one more message. There’s a baby on the way, a baby unlike anything you’ve seen before. She will be sweet and kind and most loving. Care for her. She is your future. Michael, this is your niece. Do you hear me? You have a holy family. That is enough. Thank you for sending this message out to your listeners. I will speak again shortly.”

Nikola Tesla Interview 3

Tesla Interview 3 “Ok. I have two children. I bet you didn’t know that. One is Michael. He is typing this for me. The other is Michael’s brother, he watches over me. My name is *******. I’m Michael’s Nephew. That is my reincarnation. I like cars. Cars are my life. Automobiles mainly. It’s the death, that’s what gets to me. Too many people die in automobile accidents. I’ve invented a better car. One that glows. It has lights that illuminate the front and the back of the vehicle with a surreal vapor. It stops accidents because you can see the vehicle miles away, not just as it approaches. From the sides, as well as the front and back. Again it uses my aether technology, and I was just about to get to that. You see, aether is a potent form of electricity, it illuminates things in a glowing sort of way. Like a fog. It lights up a whole area where the energy is present in the environment from all sides and inside and out of sides. Glass globes are just the beginning, for this energy is...

Nikola Tesla Interview 2

Tesla Interview 2 “I can see you’re dressed in red, my favorite color. The first thing I want to say is that I’m very sorry about your daughter. I see she has a disease that affects her mental function. Heretofore I want to congratulate you on your accomplishment of becoming the first to channel me. Not many people have tried this. You are sorry, I see, but we can work together to accomplish great deeds for humanity. Ok, first I want you to document that I have developed a system to harness the power of the aether. It consists of a tube of iron within a tube of copper or diamond, I’m just joking, no diamonds, just copper. This copper tube conducts electricity and the iron tube condenses the magnetic field of the earth into a usable current. It is quite brilliant if I do say so myself. What do you say we build one? I can see you are already studying it now. Now this tube needs to be connected to a condenser of some type, be it a saltwater capacitor or a, get ready for it, polycarbon...

Nikola Tesla Interview 1

Aether “It was a cold and windy day. I was traveling about town and I noticed a blue spark coming from the power generators above the utility line. It was a dreary day and I was rather down on my luck. I didn’t notice that the men were connecting the line up to the power poles and one of them were electrocuted. The blue spark, and I’m afraid to say this, was a high voltage beam of … The man died Michael, and I murdered him. There, now we can speak truthfully, and I hate you you’re too afraid to speak with me. I feel terrible no man should die working. I’m reporting to you so you should take good notes. Death will become of us. Nobody likes this technology. It hurts me. I developed a better system. It works wonderfully. It’s called aether. This sort of technology turns me on quite a bit. It should you, too. You see Michael there’s something between us we share a similar interest you and I both, we study the aether and magic is technology. By itself it confuses man, but in the end ma...

Channeling Michael Ellis's Higher Self

Interview with Michael Ellis’s Higher Self The Future “There’s a war between the aliens and Earth. It lasts about 400 years but you already know this. What else can I tell you there’s a war. The war lasts a decade then things really heat up. Saturn breaks in two comets that come to Earth and bombard the oceans off the coast of California, do you follow me, and the Indian Ocean. Twice the planet stops moving and starts rotating again. The darkness lasts 30 days. Oceans flood everywhere. All land is covered in water about waist high. Even your place is covered in water. Lots of people drown. I’m sorry, but that’s true. Then the bodies start to rot and the insects spread the viruses that the aliens plant on the bodies and in the air. They spray it. Like a plane only larger. Your chemtrail buster can’t stop it. Lots of people die from this, do you hear me? That’s the end, I can’t talk anymore.” Money “There’s gold in Canada. Lots of it. People haven’t discovered this yet. ...

Channeling Archangel Michael - Roadmap of Humanity


Conversations with God

Here are a few channelings of God Himself translated directly from my conversations. Weather Modification through the Chemical Ether “The first thing people should know is that there is no chemicals in the ether. It is purely light. All matter is composed of light. It is all vibrating at the speed of light. It is through light that we modify the material world. Like I said, there is [sic] no chemicals, all is light. Therefore every molecule is vibrating at the speed of light. To adjust matter we superimpose different frequencies of light upon one another, together, and the result is a new form of matter. Say we want to make it rain, we would perform a grounding out of the light matter frequencies and we get rain formations. This happens because water is a very high frequency form of matter. By elevating a tower with a connection to Earth, we neutralize the light frequencies responsible for dry heat and introduce the light frequencies responsible for moisture. This is wha...